viernes, 18 de octubre de 2019

Good afternoon everyone! Today I’m going to talk about my favorite kind of food.

Resultado de imagen para ensalada de cebolla y habasResultado de imagen para pescado a la planchaWell, I love food and in general I’m not picky with it, but my tastes are different depending on how I feel or what I need, for example, when I’m hungry I prefer salty food like fish, salads (especially onion with beans) or any homemade food, however when I'm anxious I prefer sweet foods such as cookies, chocolates or piece of cakes; However, there are foods that dislike me like eggplants, cauliflower, chickpeas or meats (I'm going to make some exceptions with fish, ham and chicken in sushi). On the other hand my favorite food is any type of fish, because they have a very rich flavor, are nutritious and can be cooked in many different ways. At first I didn't like its taste since it was very smelly, but over the years I got used to its flavor and now I like it a lot. Among all the fish I have eaten, the one I like the most is salmon; and the way I like to eat them is grilled. I like to accompany meals with french fries or salad, but if there is nothing to go with, I eat it alone.

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2019

Resultado de imagen para los caballeros del zodiacoHi Goodnight! Today I will talk about my favorite serie.
My favorite serie is "Los Caballeros del Zodiaco" (or Saint Seiya which is its original name), this is a very old anime that my older sisters saw when they were young, so the serie caught my attention.
Resultado de imagen para los caballeros del zodiacoThe serie focuses on a group of young warriors called "knights" who since childhood were trained in different parts of the world to get the different bronze armor, which are inspired by constellations. After the armor is granted to them, the young fight to the side of the Goddess Athena to be able to protect the world from the threats that try to dominate it.

Resultado de imagen para los caballeros del zodiaco peliculaI saw the serie for the first time in 2012, but I liked it so much that I saw it again a few years later, and I was so fanatical that I bought all the records sold by the newspaper "La Tercera" on one occasion. In 2014 the movie was released in the cinema, just the day it was my presentation of national holidays at school, but that wasn’t an impediment, since together with my best friend (who is a fan of the series like me ) We went to the last show of the day that was at 10:00 PM

I really like the anime because as the seasons progress, the series is changing its initial course filled with new emotions; happy, sad and exciting that are spread to the viewers.

domingo, 6 de octubre de 2019

Hi everyone! today I will talk about one of the most exciting Concerts that I have attended!!

Resultado de imagen para europe banda
Resultado de imagen para europe bandaThis concert was on September 27 this year at the Movistar Arena. This concert was from the Swedish band "Europe", which play hard rock and glam metal. This band was created in 1979 with the name of "Force". This band was very successful in the 80s and 90s. The atmosphere that was at the Movistar Arena at the beginning was suspenseful, it was the first time that I would see this band, which is one of my favorite groups, when I arrived there were few people, but then it filled up. After a good while, the artists came out to play and everyone (including me) started screaming in excitement.

 They started with one of my favorite songs which I sang to no longer be able to. I felt very happy, and the artist was very energetic, he moved everywhere, he jumped, he ran, he looked younger than he looked. It was one of the best experiences I've had, when I left the concert I went to buy a band bracelet because they sold them cheaper and of course, I could not leave without a souvenir!

viernes, 30 de agosto de 2019

Resultado de imagen para italiaHi everyone! today I will talk about a country I would like to visit.
I would like to visit Italy because it is a country that has a rich culture, history and beautiful places to visit.

Italy enjoys a great historical heritage built over de centuries, for example the greek-roman culture, the renaissance artist, the baroque palaces, the contemporary architecture and others.
Resultado de imagen para italia

The reasons why I would like to go there, in addition to its culture and its beautiful places, is to know its gastronomy, its language and the people who live there, since my older sister (who traveled to Italy this year) told me very good experience of the places that she visited, and I would like to see it for myself someday.

Resultado de imagen para veneciaThere are special places that I would like to know as the Roman Colosseum, The Pisa Tower, St. Peter's Square, Venice (and travel in a gondola through the canals of Venice) and Cinque Terre, which is a city located northwest of Italy that consist of colorful houses built on a cliff.

I hope to travel there when I finish my career :3.

Good afternoon everyone! Today I’m going to talk about my favorite kind of food. Well, I love food and in general I’m not picky with it...