viernes, 18 de octubre de 2019

Good afternoon everyone! Today I’m going to talk about my favorite kind of food.

Resultado de imagen para ensalada de cebolla y habasResultado de imagen para pescado a la planchaWell, I love food and in general I’m not picky with it, but my tastes are different depending on how I feel or what I need, for example, when I’m hungry I prefer salty food like fish, salads (especially onion with beans) or any homemade food, however when I'm anxious I prefer sweet foods such as cookies, chocolates or piece of cakes; However, there are foods that dislike me like eggplants, cauliflower, chickpeas or meats (I'm going to make some exceptions with fish, ham and chicken in sushi). On the other hand my favorite food is any type of fish, because they have a very rich flavor, are nutritious and can be cooked in many different ways. At first I didn't like its taste since it was very smelly, but over the years I got used to its flavor and now I like it a lot. Among all the fish I have eaten, the one I like the most is salmon; and the way I like to eat them is grilled. I like to accompany meals with french fries or salad, but if there is nothing to go with, I eat it alone.

3 comentarios:

  1. I'm hungry!! hahaha, you see that you eat very healthy Nati!!

  2. The fish is very nutritious! remember that it contains the precursor of the "acetyl coA" ;)))

  3. I understand you very well because when I'm stressed I eat sweet things to, but is a very bad habit, although is hard to control with all the stuff that we have to do every week


Good afternoon everyone! Today I’m going to talk about my favorite kind of food. Well, I love food and in general I’m not picky with it...